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美联社报道:爱蕾特琪红酒庄园度假村和美国借贷中心庆祝LIVE认证 | 美国头条





美国联合通讯社( 简称美联社,英文:The Associated Press,缩写AP) 是美国最大的通讯社,国际性通讯社之一。美联社编辑部门有总编室、国际部、对外部、经济新闻部、体育新闻部、图片新闻部、特稿部、广播新闻部。


Eritage Vineyards and American Lending Center Celebrate LIVE Certification

WALLA WALLA, Wash.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–American Lending Center (ALC), a leading EB-5 regional center and a subsidiary of Regional Centers Holding Group, is thrilled to announce that Eritage Vineyards has been awarded the internationally recognized LIVE certification. As a key investor in the property, ALC welcomes the independent body’s confirmation that the vineyard conforms to the highest standards in sustainability.

LIVE independently certifies winegrowers in the Pacific Northwest based on research-backed standards created by highly skilled viticulturists, winemakers, university researchers and environmental partners. Members are required to meet these strict international standards for environmentally and socially responsible winegrowing and submit to third-party inspections, ensuring that properties minimize environmental impact and preserve agricultural and economic viability.

“Eritage has already proven to be a revolutionary addition to the wine industry in Walla Walla and the broader Pacific Northwest,” said Zane Osterhout, ALC’s project manager for the Eritage property. “LIVE certification confirms that the vineyard is committed not just to making excellent wine, but also to operating with only the most environmentally sustainable and socially responsible practices.”

Eritage, owned by a group of private investors and co-sponsored by ALC, opened to the public in July 2018. The vineyard is the heart of a resort featuring luxury accommodations and a restaurant boasting a menu created by James Beard Award-winning Chef Jason Wilson celebrating locally grown ingredients, and has been featured in numerous publications including Travel + Leisure Magazine and Vogue.

About American Lending Center

American Lending Center (ALC) is a U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Service designated regional center held by Regional Centers Holding Group. ALC offers investment opportunities to immigrant investors interested in obtaining permanent resident status in the U.S. through the employment-based fifth preference visa (EB-5) program. Committed to fulfilling the program’s promise of investment in deserving businesses in rural and underserved communities, ALC has successfully provided over 350 million dollars to projects in rural and underserved areas in 19 states and has completed over 70 projects exclusively in the senior loan structure.




发布于3/6/2019 AP 美联社

华盛顿州WALLA WALLA – EB-5区域中心,Regional Centers Holding Group的子公司American Lending Center(ALC)很高兴地宣布爱蕾特琪红酒庄园度假村已获得国际认可的LIVE认证。作为该物业的主要投资者,ALC欢迎专业机构对该葡萄园的可持续发展进行最高标准的认证。



“爱蕾特琪红酒庄园已被证明是Walla Walla和太平洋西北地区葡萄酒行业的革命性的补充,”ALC的爱蕾特琪红酒庄园物业项目经理Zane Osterhout说。“LIVE认证肯定了爱蕾特琪葡萄园不仅致力于酿造出色的葡萄酒,而且还致力于以最环保,最具社会责任感的方式来经营管理。”

爱蕾特琪红酒庄园由几位投资者所有,ALC共同投资,于2018年7月向公众开放。度假村除了葡萄园,还设有豪华住宿和餐厅,餐厅菜单由“詹姆斯比尔德奖”获奖厨师Jason Wilson创作,使用当地特色食材,刊登在众多大型杂志和网站上,包括Travel + Leisure Magazine和Vogue。




美国借贷中心是区域中心控股集团旗下美国移民局指定的区域中心。ALC通过EB-5项目帮助计划在美国获得永久居民身份的投资人提供投资机会,并致力于将需要的资金投资给真正需要该资金的企业。ALC已成功在19个州为农村和其他不发达地区的项目提供了超过3.5亿美元的资金。更多的信息请访问www.usa-rc.com .










The End


美国借贷中心(American Lending Center)成立于2009年,是全美唯一联邦政府严格风控所有项目的投资移民区域中心。中心独创了将EB-5投资移民与美国中小企业504贷款结合的模式,所有投资项目不仅要符合美国移民局的就业要求,更必须经过美国中小企业局(SBA)近乎苛刻的多重金融风控审批,充分保护了投资人的EB-5资金。 

截止2018年8月,ALC 12家区域中心在全美19个州成功运营了超过70个政府贷款项目。拥有100%的I-526和I-829批准率,早期投资人已获50万投资款全额返还。 

8年来ALC稳步发展,协助众多移民家庭成功取得了美国绿卡,成为美国圣地亚哥市唯一指定EB-5合作伙伴,荣获IIUSA EB-5行业论坛颁发的I-829批准大奖,取得代表美国中小企业金融领域最高荣誉的奖项-科曼奖。 

面对全美最安全的区域中心,前移民律师协会主席,移民界的泰斗Ira  Kurzban律师这样评价:“ ALC用其开拓者的创新模式完美的重新诠释了EB-5借贷,对促进行业的发展起到了决定性的作用。” 



地址: 1 World Trade Center, Suite 1130, Long Beach, CA, 90831 USA






