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美国一牧师爆惊天秘密:《哈利·波特》里的咒语原来都是真的! | 美国头条




图 via CNN

不过,最近美国田纳西州纳什维尔一所天主教学校的一位牧师却提出,要将学校图书馆里的《哈利·波特》系列小说下架,原因是他发现书里描绘的法术和咒语都是真实的,阅读书中咒语的人会有招来邪灵的风险(“risk conjuring evil spirits” when read)。

这位名叫丹·瑞希尔(Dan Reehill)的牧师,在给圣爱德华天主教学校(St. Edward Catholic School)学生的家长们发去的电子邮件中表示,他已经咨询过美国的驱魔师和梵蒂冈,才得出这个结论。

图 via Warner Bros.

“These books present magic as both good and evil, which is not true, but in fact a clever deception. The curses and spells used in the books are actual curses and spells; which when read by a human being risk conjuring evil spirits into the presence of the person reading the text,” the Reverend Reehill wrote, apparently in all seriousness.


▲Harry Potter books removed from school library because they contain ‘real’ curses and spells (via The Independent)


图 via Reuters

Many religious groups claim the books are based on Satanic teachings and are a blatant celebration of the occult.


As recently as this past April, a group of Catholic priests in Poland torched the books, claiming they were sacrilegious.


▲Elementary school yanks ‘Harry Potter’ over claims it contains ‘actual curses and spells’(via New York Post)


While the curses and spells claim is probably the most attention-getting part of Reehil’s explanation, he also raises other philosophical points, saying the books’ protagonists  “promote a Machiavellian approach to achieving the ends they desire.”


▲A Catholic school removes ‘Harry Potter’ from its shelves, claiming the books’ spells are real (via CNN)

Related Post

图 via The Washington Post

对此,纳什维尔天主教教区的学校负责人丽贝卡·哈梅尔(Rebecca Hammel)向媒体表示,丹·瑞希尔牧师是在收到一位家长关于这些书的询问之后,作出将这部畅销书下架的决定的,这一做法在他的权力范围之内。并且,她相信这套书仍在教区内其他图书馆的书架上

She clarified the school is not enacting a ban: The series was never part of the school’s curriculum, and students can still read the books on school grounds.


“While the Catholic Church has expressed no formal position on the books and related movies, many voices in the Church, even at higher levels, have expressed that the subject matter may be appropriate when due consideration is given to the maturity of the reader.  We leave these decisions to you as your children’s primary educator.”


▲A Catholic school removes ‘Harry Potter’ from its shelves, claiming the books’ spells are real (via CNN)


Really? Dear@jk_rowling can you please release a book on all the spells so I have a quick and handy guide


I wish it were true that we can use those books to cast spells and curses, I would be doing that all day. These people just want to continue to stifle children’s potential and so they can control them easier.


I want to know how they know that those are real curses that actually work.


So wait… can they please produce some evidence for the claim tho? I mean these books were widely received and I’ve never heard of a single report of conjurings. And they’ve been out for YEARS… 



整合:Du Qiongfang

资料:The Independent, New York Post, CNN, Twitter

图/题图:CNN, Warner Bros., Reuters, The Washington Post, Twitter

