

在他生命的头8年中,美国德克萨斯州达拉斯这个名叫克里斯多夫·鲍恩(Christopher Bowen)的男孩前前后后进出医院多达323次,接受13场重大手术,反反复复暴露在医疗检查的辐射中,多次因不必要的治疗而感染败血症和产生血块,被插喂食管还被迫坐轮椅……而这一切都源于他母亲对他身患重病的臆想

从2009年到2016年的8年间,这个名叫凯琳·鲍恩·赖特(Kaylene Bowen-Wright)的35岁母亲,对医生谎称她的儿子患有多种疾病,包括癌症、肌肉营养不良(muscular dystrophy),心脏问题和癫痫症(seizures)。

图 via Dallas County Sheriff’s Department


Authorities say the mom made up stories to some people about Christopher dying from a rare genetic disorder, while she told others he had cancer.


She also was accused of holding fundraisers for Christopher and having a feeding tube inserted into his body that caused him to suffer life-threatening blood infections. 


Authorities said she even tried to get him a lung transplant and had the boy admitted to hospice.


Crawford, who was denied visits with his son when he was 3 by a judge who believed the  mother’s lies, told the Star-Telegram that he wants to call more attention to cases of medical child abuse.


▲Dallas mom, 35, with Munchausen, who put her healthy 8-year-old son through 13 unnecessary surgeries and tried to get him a lung transplant is sentenced to six years in prison (via Daily Mail)


图 via Facebook


Christopher, now age 10, has since recovered from his mother’s abuse, is doing well at school and has become ‘very athletic,” said his father Ryan Crawford. 


The boy is said to be happy and healthy while pursuing his love of soccer and choir, according to KXAS-TV. 


▲Dallas mom, 35, with Munchausen, who put her healthy 8-year-old son through 13 unnecessary surgeries and tried to get him a lung transplant is sentenced to six years in prison (via Daily Mail)

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图 via Facebook


Christopher’s father, who now has custody of the child, responded on Friday to Bowen’s plea in the case.


“I am happy that she decided to do the right thing. Eventually, the lies had to stop,” the boy’s father, Ryan Crawford, told the Star-Telegram. “Now, hopefully, those who thought a mother could never do this to their child will see evil does exist.”


▲Texas mom put healthy son through 13 unnecessary surgeries (via New York Post)

图 via NBCDFW.com

凯琳原本最高可面临20年监禁,但她显示出患有代理型孟乔森综合症(Munchhausen  syndrome by proxy)的迹象,即虚构者(几乎都是儿童母亲)利用与受害者的特殊关系编造病史,导致受害者反复住院,引发医生关注,进而满足虚构者心理需求的一种心理疾病。

She had been facing a maximum sentence of 20 years, according to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. 


State prosecutors urged the judge to impose a maximum sentence. 


Authorities said Bowen appeared to show traits of of Munchhausen syndrome by proxy, a psychological condition where a caregiver lies about, exaggerates or makes up medical conditions in a child as a way of getting attention.


▲Dallas mom, 35, with Munchausen, who put her healthy 8-year-old son through 13 unnecessary surgeries and tried to get him a lung transplant is sentenced to six years in prison (via Daily Mail)


整合:Du Qiongfang

资料:NBC, Daily Mail, New York Post

图/题图:Dallas County Sheriff’s Department, Facebook, NBCDFW.com

