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Lincoln Stone is a Certified Specialist in Immigration and Nationality Law, State Bar of California Board of Legal Specialization. Mr. Stone’s immigration law experience started in 1987 when he served as a Trial Attorney with the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service. He is regarded by peer ratings such as The Best Lawyers in America as a premier practitioner in the field of immigration law.点击查看详细介绍
Elsie Hui Arias is a partner at Stone Grzegorek & Gonzalez LLP. She has been certified as a specialist in immigration and nationality law by the State Bar of California Board of Legal Specialization since 2007, a designation that is held by a very small percentage of immigration practitioners in California.点击查看详细介绍
Michele Franchett是Stone Grzegorek&Gonzalez LLP的合伙人。她拥有加州律师执照,也是获得认证的移民及国籍法专家。她在美国移民领域拥有超过20年的经验,获得Martindale Hubbell律师评荐机构给予 “AV”级的最高评级。她目前从事投资人和企业家移民领域的法律服务,客户主要为EB-5资金项目方。点击查看详细介绍
Ms. Pilcher’s immigration practice has been devoted substantially to the EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program since early 2007. Her investment immigration clients have included individual E-2 and EB-5 investors from 40 countries, EB-5 project developers and fund managers, USCIS-designated regional centers, and regional center applicants.点击查看详细介绍
美国律师大全小程序 是一个以用户需求作为出发点,集中提供有用的、全方位的美国律师数据的平台。既能展示律师的专业形象,又能方便用户找到需要的律师资源,搭建美国律师和中国客户之间的桥梁。
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