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来自美妈的信 | We Miss You, Teresa! | 美国头条

来自美妈的信 | We Miss You, Teresa!






Dear Teresa,

We miss you! We miss you living in our home and laughing at our jokes. We miss eating dinner around the dinner table with you and playing “Bluff” each night to see who the loser was that would “get” to clean the dishes.

亲爱的Teresa, 我们想你!



We miss your adjectives you’d use to describe your day when you’d come home from winter camp school. I think if I were in another country attending a new school with new friends in a second language, I’d come back saying I was exhausted, frustrated, lonely or confused. Those were never your words; you came home describing your day as “excellent, awesome, incredible or great!”


We miss your positive attitude. We miss your inquisitive nature.


You always wanted to peek over my shoulder as I’d prepare a meal. Then, after you’d had enough of peeking, you’d roll up your sleeves and help with the food preparation adventure exclaiming, “O my! O my! O my!”  It made me chuckle every time!

当我准备一顿饭时,你总是想踮起脚尖,偷看我正做着什么菜。然后,在你偷看完之后,你会卷起袖子,一边帮助我准备食物,一边喊“O my! O my! O my!” 让我每次都笑得前仰后合!

We miss learning about China with you.


You taught us so much about your culture. I remember when you played us some popular Chinese music. We all thought it was a little funny, including you. However, it did have a fun beat that made Mr. Rick get a groove on. Thankfully, he stopped dancing after you, and I begged him.  

你孜孜不倦地向我们介绍你的国家和文化。你把中国的流行歌放给我们听;我们觉得听上去有点搞笑(你也这么想),但是音乐欢快的节奏甚至让我老公Mr. Rick翩翩起舞。谢天谢地,你演奏完毕他也停止了舞蹈,哦,拜托吧,我先生的三脚猫舞步,哈哈。

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I was praying for you this morning, Teresa. I know that God has big plans for your life. When you come back to the United States, we want you to come live with us again. Our lives are richer for knowing you and hosting you in our home.



Mrs. Emily






亲爱的Teresa, 以及所有参与了优品美高预备营的同学们:



