


       哈佛大学向来就是企业家的堡垒,也是立志献身商学的学生的集结地。哈佛学子社(Harvard Student Agencies, HSA) 的历史要追溯到1957年,当时哈佛大学和全美其他大学的学费都节节上涨。哈佛学生并没有像别的大学生那样,在当地快餐店打些零工挣钱,而是自然而然地想到创办自己的企业来支付学费。毕竟,哈佛大学是优秀企业家高度密集的地方,还有哪儿比这儿更适合创业呢。好啦,这些哈佛学生就从他们的大学宿舍开始创业了。他们的业务类型可以说是五花八门,从擦鞋到收集木柴(当哈佛宿舍还在使用烟囱),哈佛院子俨然变成了一个临时市场。



       这种创业精神固然令人钦佩,哈佛大学却渐渐不能容忍这个临时市场,一者缺乏管制,二者法律上也属于灰色地带。再者,学生利用哈佛的校舍和设施来开展业务,大学的房地产就不能享受免税政策,这也伤害到了学校的利益。为了解决这个问题,第35届财政资助部主任John Munro指定第52届学生就业部主任,Dustin M. Burke,着手调查, 看是否可将学生企业作为可能的财政资助来源。这些想法,就是成立哈佛学子社的初衷

       1957年春末,学生管理层召开了一个会议,对成立公司的想法,大家都兴趣浓厚,并提出了很多具体的计划。首期投资7,000美元到位后,哈佛学子社配备一新,大张旗鼓运行起来。他们承接了学生每周的洗衣物服务,这项服务以往由哈佛大学校方提供。接下来,公司的一切迅速走上正轨位。 1957年8月,哈佛学子社提交了成立新公司的文件。 9月10日,新公司召开了第一次会议。 1957年12月13日,哈佛学子社签署了委任状,指定了六个原始法人:John Munro, Dustin Burke, Greg Stone, John Giannetti, Theodore Elliot, 和Harold Rosenwald。哈佛学子社正式成为了公司!在最初的几年里,哈佛学子社的收入主要来自于洗衣服务和全球旅游指南,他们的旅行指南红宝书就是《说走就走》(LET’S GO)系列丛书。



       从那时起,哈佛学子社就成了鼓励学生管理者创业和培养暂新商业理念的地方。 2006年,有人问一位哈佛学子社的管理人员,是否可以辅导当地剑桥高中生准备SAT考试。毫无疑问,这位哈佛学子足以胜任。他高中三年级时,SAT就考了满分,这是他能被哈佛录取的一个重要原因。接受这个新的副业之前,这位哈佛学子突然意识到:他身边全是世界上SAT考分最高的学生啊,到别的任何地方都找不到这么多的合格SAT辅导老师啦!他灵机一动,立马推出了一个新的小项目:辅导当地的高中生。够资格的辅导老师非常之多,因为哈佛的学生都希望天才的大脑来赚钱,而不想去做那些把腰都累断的事儿。所以尽管HSA辅导团刚开始时队伍很小,很快,哈佛的本科生就源源不断地涌向这里。在HSA辅导团工作变成了哈佛学生的一种荣誉,当然收入也比较可观哪。鉴于导师,学生和辅导团的收入越来越多, HSA辅导团现已成立了专门的管理团队,用来处理日常事务。




       HSA辅导团如今是哈佛大学学子社的非盈利部门,它的使命就是以最实惠的价格向波士顿地区及其他世界各地的学生,提供高质量的各种辅导。主要辅导项目为各种标准化考试,如SAT,ACT,AP,IB,SAT II等,和各种学校科目。辅导形式可以是私人小课或在线辅导。随着国际生对美国大学的兴趣和关注度的与日俱增,在线辅导已成为HSA辅导课的主要形式。


       HSA辅导团还提供指导大学申请和撰写大学申请作文的服务。这项服务主要是针对梦想进入美国顶尖大学学习的国际学生。如今,越来越多背景强大的国际学生想到常春藤大学,斯坦福大学和麻省理工学院等名校完成学业。很多国际学生虽然有优异的专科成绩,完美的标准化考试分数,和出色的课外活动表现,但往往不如美国本土的学生那么了解美国大学的招生文化。 所以国际申请者,可以利用这项服务得到哈佛学生的亲身帮助,从而在大学申请和入学方面获得更多裨益。HSA 辅导团的哈佛学子们很乐意为优秀的国际学生们服务,好让他们在申请过程中把劲儿使在点子上。这些年轻教师们的经验可以说是非常宝贵,他们不久前才刚刚成功进入了哈佛大学,申请经验还新鲜热乎着呢。

       除私人辅导外,HSA辅导团还提供在哈佛大学校园举办的夏季课程,包括暑期商学院暑期编码学院和暑期政治学院。 这些课程都由哈佛大学本科生授课,为那些对此类科目有强烈兴趣的学生,提供了独特的掌新技能的机会。





The Story of Harvard Student Agencies Tutoring

        Harvard University has always been a bastion of entrepreneurship and a hub for business oriented students. Back in 1957, college tuition both at Harvard and across the nation was on the rise. It was only natural for Harvard students to defray the expenses of their education not by working at a local fast food restaurant, but by starting their own businesses. After all, with its high concentration of bright entrepreneurs, what better place to start a business than Harvard Yard. That’s right, people started businesses right out of their dorm rooms. From shoe shining to firewood collecting (when Harvard dorm chimneys were still in use), Harvard Yard became a makeshift marketplace.         

      As admirable as this entrepreneurship was, the University could not put up with this unregulated and legally ambiguous market. By using Harvard\’s facilities to operate their businesses, these entrepreneurs jeopardized the university’s real estate tax exemption. John Munro ’35, Dean of Financial Aid, assigned Dustin M. Burke’52, Director of Student Employment, to investigate student businesses as a possible source of financial aid and to begin developing the idea that would become Harvard Student Agencies

        Later that spring, a meeting with student managers revealed considerable interest in the idea of a corporation, and more concrete plans began to emerge.With an initial capital investment of $7,000 and the acquisition of the rights to provide the weekly linen service traditionally offered by the university, Harvard Student Agencies was equipped to carry its corporate overhead. The remaining pieces quickly fell into place. In August 1957, the papers authorizing a new companywere filed. On September 10, the new corporation’s first meeting was held. On December 13, 1957, the charter was signed recognizing the six original incorporators: John Munro, Dustin Burke, Greg Stone, John Giannetti, Theodore Elliot, and Harold Rosenwald, and Harvard Student Agencies Incorporated was born. In its first years, HSA generated most of its revenue through its linen service for Harvard students and through it’s worldwide travel guide, a book series called Let’s Go. 

        Since then, Harvard Student Agencies continues to be a place to encourage the entrepreneurship of its student managers and foster new business ideas. In 2006, an HSA corporate manager was asked if he could tutor a local Cambridge high school student for the SAT. The manager was a perfect fit for this job. He himself received a perfect score on the SAT during his junior year of high school, an achievement that undoubtedly contributed to his admission into Harvard. Before taking this tutoring side job, he realized that he was among the highest SAT scoring students in the world, and no other place in the world housed as many qualified SAT tutors. He took this idea and created a small tutoring service for local high school students, HSA Tutoring. Finding qualified tutors was no trouble at all, as Harvard students were eager to earn money using their gifted brains and not by breaking their feeble backs. While HSA Tutoring started with a small team of private tutors, soon, Harvard undergraduates flocked to HSA Tutoring for an honorable job for a more than honorable wage. HSA Tutoring now required its own management team to handle the influx of tutors, students, and revenue. 

        These managers did not remain complacent with their initial success, and immediately began thinking of ways to expand the outreach of HSA Tutoring. They took advantage of the new technology of the day and focused on online video conferencing services. Before, the impact of the talents of HSA Tutors was wasted as they could only serve a limited number of local Cambridge students. These online platforms liberated these tutors to serve students across the world, and this allowed HSA Tutoring to become what it is today. 

         Today, HSA Tutoring is a non-profit division of Harvard Student Agencies, and its mission is to provide high-quality tutoring to students in the Boston area and beyond at the most affordable prices. Its core service is private tutoring for any standardized test (SAT, ACT, AP, IB, SAT II, etc) or academic subject, provided in-person or online. Online tutoring now serves as the foundation for HSA Private Tutoring, especially as international interest and attention on the University increases. 

        Along with standardized test preparation, it also provides small group courses in ACT and SAT prep, which is offered both in person on Harvard’s campus, and online

       HSA Tutoring also offers College Application and College Essay editing services. This mostly serves international students that have dreams of studying in top level universities in the United States. This comes at a time when more and more competitive and ambitious students have gained interest in studying at Ivy League colleges, Stanford, and MIT. While many of these aspiring students excel in their academic studies, standardized test scores, and extracurricular achievements, many simply do not understand American admissions culture at the level that domestic students do. HSA Tutoring’s College Application oriented services allow for them to gain an even advantageous perspective on their applications and college admissions in general by receiving help from Harvard students themselves. Harvard undergraduate tutors find pleasure in serving bright students to give them a proper shot at the American college application process. The guidance that these students receive are invaluable as these Harvard undergraduate tutors have just experienced the success of their own applications, and consequently, have a fresh perspective on the application and admissions process. 

        Along with private tutoring, HSA Tutoring also offers summer programs on Harvard’s campus, including the Summer Business Academy, the Summer Coding Academy, and the Summer Politics Academy. These serve as unique opportunities for students to gain new skills that are taught by Harvard undergraduate tutors with strong passions in these subjects.         

        All of our tutors are current Harvard students and all profits go straight back into student wages, so you know where your money is going, always.

Welcome to our website: https://tutoring.hsa.net/


































