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囚笼、铁链…美国惊悚虐子案!这13个孩子都经历了什么? | 美国头条



被起诉的是一对夫妻:现年57岁的男性David Turpin和他50岁的妻子Louise。

Via foxcarolina.com; David Turpin(左)和他的妻子Louise




Via dailymail.co.uk

For years, David and Louise Turpin abused 12 of their 13 children, starving them, hitting them, depriving them of sleep and shackling them to furniture — torture that moved one of their daughters to tell a courtroom, “My parents took my whole life from me.”


In a Friday hearing, the California couple were sentenced to life in prison. They’ll have a chance at parole after 25 years.


Their daughter, speaking publicly for the first time, continued through tears: “Now, I’m taking my life back.”


Via washingtonpost.com

Via dailymail.co.uk;这个大家庭曾经的合影



Via Reuters;他们的家从外部看很整洁正常,但邻居们很少看到这家的孩子们出门



When the Turpin children were found in their Perris home in January 2018, they ranged from ages 2 to 29. But some of the adults were so malnourished, they looked like young teenagers.


None of them had seen a doctor in more than four years, and none of them had ever visited a dentist.


The children were often tied up for “weeks or even months at a time,” Riverside County District Attorney Mike Hestrin said last year.

该区域的一名检察官Mike Hestrin 去年说,这些孩子们经常被父母绑起来,一绑就是“几个星期甚至几个月”。

The victims told investigators that being tied with ropes was initially a form of punishment. But when one victim escaped, the parents started using chains and padlocks to shackle some of the children to beds.


Via cnn.com

Via YouTube


In the chilling 911 call placed by the 17-year-old daughter, she informed the dispatcher that she and her siblings were being abused and that their home was so filthy she sometimes struggled to breath. 


The call lasted for 20 minutes because the girl struggled to work out her address because she had not been outside alone before.  

Related Post


‘Okay, I live in a family of 15 people and my parents are abusive. They abuse us and my two little sisters right now are chained up. There’re 13 kids and then a mother and a father,’ she said in the 911 audio. 


Via dailymail.co.uk


Via Facebook



Jennifer Turpin: 


My parents took my whole life from me, but now I’m taking my life back.


I’m in college now and living independently. I love eating out with my friends and life is great.


I believe everything happens for a reason. Life may have been bad but it made me strong. I fought to become the person I am. I saw my dad change my mom. They almost changed me, but I realized what was happening. I did everything I could to not become like them. 


Via dailymail.co.uk


Joshua Turpin: 


I cannot describe in words what we went through growing up. Sometimes I still have nightmares of things that have happened, such as my siblings being chained up or beaten. But that is the past and this is now.


I love my parents and have forgiven them for a lot of the things they did to us.


Since January I have learned so much and become very independent. In June of last year, I learned how to ride a bike and ever since then I’ve been hooked and I ride everywhere, such as to school, the store.


I live in an apartment and go to a nearby college. I’m getting a bachelor’s degree in software engineering. After I get my bachelor’s degree I’m going to get a job as a software engineer and go to school part time to get my master’s degree.


Via dailymail.co.uk


Via Facebook

文:washingtonpost.com; CNN; dailymail.co.uk

图:Facebook; CNN;路透社;dailymail.co.uk;网络


