
麻省亚裔细分将于1/30公开听证,请大家给这些committee members 写Written Testimony 表达反细分立场。Email address and sample letter below,谢谢!

















[Your Name]


[Phone Number]

[E-mail address]

Joint Committee on State Administration and Regulatory Oversight

Massachusetts State House, Room 213-B

Boston, MA 02133

Dear Chairman Timilty and Chairwoman Benson and members of the Joint Committee,

I am writing to you express my opposition to House Bill 3361.

[Reasons for opposing this bill.—please use your personally reason and experience. Do NOT use partisan politics. Why you think this bill is BAD for you or your friends? You can use talk points from below.

Related Post

Thank you for your consideration on this matter.


[Your Name]

下面是一个sample email:

Dear Chairman Mr. Timilty and Chairwoman Ms. Benson and members of the Joint Committee,

I am writing to express my opposition to the House Bill 3361 that was proposed by the Quincy Representative Tackey Chan. 

The bill itself is controversial, discriminatory and lack of cultural/racial sensitivity at its core. I have listed my reasons to against the bill as below. 

First, this bill has never taken into consideration of people with south Asian background. Most Americans with Indian, Pakistani, etc. background haven't heard about this bill at all, let alone have a say about it. 

Second, this bill ignores the complicated history Asian countries have where people migrated and mixed for centuries during war, hunger and other disasters. The racial difference among many Asian countries is more like anecdotal stories that governments want people to believe so they can use one group of people to against another. There is no scientific evidence to show that people in each Asian country had evolved on their own. Furthermore, a lot of the differences between east Asians and southeast Asians are similar to the differences between West Europeans and Mediterranean Europeans. Asking Asian Americans to tick the country of origin is like asking whites to tick whether they are Jewish, Middle Eastern, Iranian, West European, South European, etc. If you truly believe in the bill H3361, then I believe you would think that white Americans are racially very different and should be separated for studying. 

Third, the bill ignores the fact that most Asian countries are multi racial countries. For instance, China has 56 racial groups officially including Eurasians, let alone some racial groups that are not being officially recognized such as Kaifeng Jews. The same situation happens in India, Malaysia, etc. in which countries people share multiple racial roots. The sad part is, most people had lost track of their family histories so they don't really know which racial groups they belong to. Asking the country of origin question is confusing since the definition of "country of origin" is not clear and very vague. Using "country of origin' to represent race is even absurd since country of origin and race don't have a direct connection. For instance, what is the country of origin of an Indian British? Should that be India or Britain? How about Chinese Malaysian Canadian? What is the country of origin of that person? 

Fourth, collecting data for medical research or other studies for Asian Americans without a informed consent is a violation of human privacy. It happened with Jewish people during WWII that the Nazi had used them for human studied. It also happened on black people numerous times. A famous story about that is the Hela cell that a black woman's tissue was being collected secretly for medical research without informing her. I understand that history tends to repeat itself, so I sincerely hope the commonwealth government can take more consideration of the humanity side. The bill itself is a humiliation to the liberal dominated government and should not pass with all the concerns l have listed. 

I know that some special interest groups within the MA government want to pass the bill so they can collect extra research funding from the government in the name of "helping the poor Asian Americans". However, these big groups can only represent themselves whose motivation is purely money driven. Me as a MA resident who has no political power but only kind heart wish that my opinion could be listened during the oversight committee's decision making process. 

Thank you for your consideration on this matter.


[Your Name]

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