昨天纽约州共和党总部与纽约华人维权组织 CAFT 携手,在法拉盛举办了为中选及2020年大选练兵的 leadership training session。爪哥做为新泽西代表,一早开车进城前往,再次幸会秦伟平秦大哥,Lucy大侠,群Grace 等纽约州华人维权领军人物。
这期培训班,由华二代从政楷模,共和党内冉冉升起的新星 Oliver Tan 主持。
Oliver 果然名不虚传,理论知识扎实,而且口才也杠杠滴。整整五个小时的培训,有理论,有实例,有忧国忧民的慷慨陈词,也有轻松愉快的互动。一天下来,不仅让我从战略层面狠狠涨姿式,而且还从战术层面学到了很多选举实战中的tricks。俺决定活学活用,把今天的收获用于新泽西的参议员选战之中。坚决支持退役军人出身的前Celgene 老总 Bob Hugin!他这次将代表共和党竞选美国参议员,对手是那个因贪腐及出卖国家利益而被起诉的民主党参议员 Menendez。Menendez 虽然侥幸逃脱牢狱之灾,但已名声扫地,在选民中失去信誉。需要大家伙儿一齐努力,把深蓝的新泽西打开一个红色的缺口,让代表美国传统价值观的星火在新州形成燎原之势!
另外,昨天还有一个花絮值得给大家提一提哈。培训正进行中,吱呀一声大门打开,走进一位大家全都不认识的白人老奶奶。她进门后,一抬头,看见会议厅里醒目的写着Trump的横幅,转身欲走。Oliver眼疾手快,走上前去一把拉住了她。给我们做了个简短的介绍。原来这位老奶奶是皇后区16选区民主党参议员史塔文斯基(Toby Ann Stavisky)。她今天也在同一家酒楼开会,不小心进错了房间。按老奶奶自己的玩笑话说,是误入enemy territory 哈哈。
虽然这位老奶奶是纽约州资深民主党参议员,但在反对取消SHSAT上,她与我们老中同仇敌忾,on the same page 。所以,Oliver 特意邀请老奶奶给大家一个speech,谈了她对反对取消SHSAT的看法,我们则给她报以雷轰般的掌声,同时sending a clear message:做为一个民选政客,不论其是华裔,非裔,西裔或象老奶奶一样的白人,不论其是民主党,还是共和党,谁代表华人利益,谁坚守美国传统价值,我们就支持谁!
About Bob
A Lifetime of Service to Community & Country
Bob Hugin is a New Jersey success story who came from humble beginnings to live the American Dream. Now he’s running for United States Senate to ensure that opportunity is available for future generations growing up in every single community in our great state.
Born and raised in New Jersey, Bob grew up in a diverse, hardworking neighborhood in Union City, Hudson County, where his parents instilled in him an obligation to serve others. He was the first person in his family to attend college, earning a full scholarship to Princeton University. After graduation, Bob joined the United States Marine Corps where he served as an active duty infantry officer from 1976 to 1983. Bob participated in multiple deployments and was an instructor at the Landing Force Training Command, Atlantic.
Bob continued to serve as a Reserve Officer from 1983 to 1990, where his assignments included commanding officer roles in Virginia and Battalion staff officer assignments in New York. Upon leaving active duty in 1983, Bob earned his MBA from the Darden School of Graduate Business Administration at the University of Virginia and in 1985, he joined J.P. Morgan, ultimately leading several businesses and rising to be a Managing Director.
Bob spent the last 19 years as a leader in healthcare and vocal advocate for modernizing the American healthcare system, serving as Chairman and CEO of the Celgene Corporation and as a Trustee of the Atlantic Health System for the last decade.When Bob joined Celgene in 1999, the company had approximately 200 employees and less than six weeks of cash. Under Bob’s leadership and through the work of its employees, that company was transformed into one of New Jersey’s largest private sector employers – an innovative biotech company that is now known around the world for leading the fight against cancer and chronic disease.Forbes honored Celgene as #5 on a list of “America’s Best Midsize Employers”and #14 on a list of the “World’s Best Employers” in 2017.